The Value of Organization

Emily Shaindlin
2 min readMar 2, 2021

I am sad to report that I have never been particularly organized. I really doubt that anyone is naturally, but I do think it can be a learned skill. Sadly I think this will be a skill I will need to learn for the rest of my life.

The need to be organized is particularly valuable in design as it allows you to find the drafts you need straight away and be on top of wherever you are in the design process. My problem has always been that I have no idea what I am going to need later in the process so I don’t know what to save where and how to title it. I’m learning that detailed organization can be beneficial.

When it comes to design, knowing exactly which folders you save things to can save you time later. Instead of searching your entire hard drive for specific files, you only need to search one folder because you know for sure that that is the folder to which you save all of your drafts. This currently is my problem because the folder to which I save all of my drafts is just the folder the computer created with the specific file size ‘mdpi’ for the first file I saved that had that size, so I just end up searching this file for the specific designs that I need.

I plan in the next coming days to overhaul this file and hopefully create some more organized file systems: possibly separating my designs by type (design challenge versus extra credit assignment.) I hopefully will be able to expand on the topic of organization in the coming weeks and provide some valid tips to improve your own organization. All I can say for right now is that my organization on my own personal computer is a mess and I will try to fix this in the future when I start working on teams. I don’t wanna get stuck at a deadline and be unable to find a certain draft because my dumbass saved it to the wrong folder.

